What's the difference between being Fit & being Healthy?

Have you ever felt tired even if you exercise? Have you ever felt frustrated to do not lose this belly fat even if you working out like hell? Everyone has their own definitions of Health and Fitness. Most of them consider both as same.

Here is all you need to know about Health & Fitness.


-Health includes ‘physical being’, ‘mental being’, ‘emotional being’.

-Being healthy denotes your inner power to fight against diseases.

-Health is more about inner wellbeing.

-Being healthy will always lead you in being fit.


-Fitness includes your physical being.

-Being fit denotes your physical look, your weight, your body shape.

-Fitness is more about outer being.

-Being fit doesn’t always lead in being healthy.


The optimal balance of health and fitness is achieved by training your metabolism. you can be fit but not healthy. Health is a wider concept that includes fitness. Fitness can be achieved by short term proper nutrition and exercises for a specific task. Health is more of a long-term process, which leads you to a healthy life.

I personally recommend being healthy first as it’s so much power to be in life compare to just looking good.

Be healthy first, then be fit!