Parichay Nutri-Gene Clinic

Our Founder

De. (Diabetes Educator) HeenaShah
B.Sc.(Chem);DNHE - Clinical Nutritionist & Nutri-genetic counsellor

As a Consultant Nutritionist, Heena Shah planned diets for common and chronic diseases, pregnant/lactating women, and general health and fitness.

In 2013 Using this dietary knowledge as a stepping stone, she developed nutritionally proven homemade health supplements which are entirely made from hand pound Grains, Millets & Indian Spices under the brand name “ Envigor” 

She even started a Health awareness educational seminar/interacting sessions/quiz shows on health & nutrition for all inquisitive citizens, under the banner of “Parichay Nutri- Gene Clinic”. She has also started her own Health Educational awareness YouTube channel named “ Feed Your Genes Right “& “ Healthy Diet Spin “

In 2017 adding one more feather to her cap is her latest venture of nutrigenetic counseling. Certified from Monash University, Australia in Nutritional Genomics, she has now started designing personalized nutrition plans based on a person’s genetic assessment (DNA analysis).

In October 2018 apart from being a nutrigenetic counselor, she became a certified clinical nutritionist from ACSM – American College of Sports Medicine, who can manage acute diseases, chronic diseases & one or more health complications by planning medical nutrition therapy.

In January 2021 she launched a book for Cancer patients named “ Go, Grow & Glow with Nutrition” Cancer ( Medical Nutrition Therapy). The beauty of this book is that you get all dietary solutions on how to minimize cancer treatment's side effects with food. It is very helpful for cancer patients & their families. It also served as a record book for cancer patients.

In November 2021 She successfully completed training under the National Diabetes Educator program to qualify as a “Diabetes Educator”

In August 2022 She launched the “Grow Health – Nutrition“ Club. The mission of this club is to get rid of lifestyle-driven chronic diseases from society & help to draw your road map to health.

Why Parichay Nutri-gene clinic?

Every person is unique. So, why do we still rely on generic medications?

Just as every person has a unique DNA, we believe that everyone should follow a personalized nutrition plan based on their genetic data to lead a happy, healthy life.

At the core of everything that we do, we strongly believe that: “Your body is your temple. Keep it pure and clean for the soul to reside in.”

And so, no matter which one of our products or services you do avail, they aim to take care of our bodies - because it’s the only place we have, to live in.

What Parichay Nutri-gene clinic do?

Our offerings can broadly be classified into 3 major categories:

1. Services:
A) We offer diseases specific to medical Nutrition therapy. For example Diabetes, Heart diseases, Lung diseases, Liver diseases, Kidney diseases, Imbalance hormonal diseases, Thyroid, Menopause, etc.

B) Customized diet plan for common health & fitness: Like gas, acidity, diarrhea, vomiting, weight management, etc.

C) Diet plan for preconception period, pregnancy period & Lactation period

D) Nutri-genetic consultation: Where your genetic test is done and analyzed. Through this data, you would know about the probability and possibility of your health such as nutrition deficiency, food sensitivity, food intolerance, which kind of workout is good for your body, your body's need for macronutrients, micronutrients, and many more. We then guide you about lifestyle changes and provide a personalized diet plan

2. Seminars:
We organized health awareness educational seminars on various subjects related to nutrition, health & fitness. And also Know how your DNA & its interaction with your environment defines your health, beauty wellness & illness We also organized a health awareness quiz show.

3. Functional Food Products:
The Indian grandmother's traditional homely fixes now Get a much-needed modern makeover under the name of "ENVIGOR". Envigor is a series of nutritionally proven, organic lifestyle health supplement products, to help you conquer your day. Our exclusive range of nutritious dietary food supplements complements your daily food intake and helps you feel more energetic throughout the day.