Tridoshic Rasayan

The Indian grandmother’s traditional homely fixes now get a much-needed modern makeover. Envigor is a series of nutritionally proven, health supplement products, to help you conquer your day.

Good sources of Vitamin C, Antioxidants, and Anti-inflammatory properties


  1. Ambala (Gooseberry)
  2. Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellirica)
  3. Haritaki (Terminalia Chebula)


  1. Improve digestion
  2. Beneficial in weight management
  3. Protect dental health
  4. Reduce inflammation
  5. Balance Vatta, pitta & kapha doshas

The direction of use:

- Empty stomach
Take one glass of warm water (200ml) + Add 1/4 tsp(2.5gm) Tridoshic Rashayan + 30drops cold press castor oil
- At night ( Bedtime)
Take one glass of warm water (200ml) + Add 1/4 tsp(2.5gm) Tridoshic Rashayan + 1tsp cold press coconut oil

Best time to take:

  1. In the morning on an empty stomach
  2. At bedtime

How to store: Store in an airtight container.

Dosages: 500mg (1/4 tsp) twice a day

Use: Best before 6 months of manufacturing

Net weight: 100gm