Tips For An Exam That Will Help Your Little One Fly & Score High

Exam season is always a hectic season for everyone

Don't worry, I am suggesting some tips for the exam that will help your little one fly & score high

Increased stress create a greater needs for water and certain essential nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin B6, zinc, magnesium, potassium, pantothenic acid, amino acid trypsin & omega 3 are required for synthesis & proper functioning of adrenal hormones the most important stress-fighting hormones.

If you could image a rainbow but made of foods then what would they be?
-Think of berries ( every colour and type)rich source of antioxidants
- Whole egg ( especially the yellow or yolk ) rich source of essential fat DHE
-Green leafy vegetables & dark coloured fruits the rich sources of vitamin and minerals
 -Earthy colours from nuts& seeds rich sources of zinc, magnesium, protein and essential fats
- keep the body well hydrated by having an adequate amount of water like lemonade sharbat, Fresh Raw vegetables and fruits juices, coconut water, buttermilk etc.