Why do Til and Gur Play A Significant Role in Sankranti Celebrations?

According to Ayurveda, in winter season  VATA is aggravated in the body resulting in joint pain and sore muscles. Sweet, oily and heavy food control aggravated VATA, and these all properties are found in Til and Gur combination.

Sesame seeds have medicinal properties which increase your immunity and general physical strength. Sesame seeds are also high in magnesium, manganese, vitamin B1, vitamin E, potassium, protein, fiber and dietary copper, they help in providing relief in joint pain in winter, associated with Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Benefits of jaggery include its ability to cleanse your body, act as a digestive agent, sweetens your food in a healthy manner and provide minerals like zinc, selenium and antioxidants and boost resistance against infections.

The oil present in the sesame seeds helps generate body heat and keeps the internal body temperature from dipping. At the same time, jaggery's iron and vitamin C content have also been used as a traditional remedy for respiratory disorders and throat problems